· A dedicated Power System Engineer, academic
researcher, and lecturer with strong technical skills and background
knowledge/ experience in all aspects of electrical power systems. Grounded in
electrical power protection and soft computational intelligence control in renewable
energy systems, microgrids, smart grid power system applications and distribution
Foundational design knowledge in power
electronics converters, and electric machines. Design and development of
novel protection and control schemes for complex industrial power systems.
Excellent skills in detailed engineering
design, specification, and analysis of power systems, as well as application
of artificial intelligence, optimization, data mining and machine learning applications
in the control of modern power networks including renewable energies, large-scale
wind farms, and solar PV system distributed generators.
Peer-reviewed scientific publications in high impact factor scientific journals in the Web of Science (IEEE
Transactions) and Scopus index scholarly journals.
A reviewer with Elsevier Journals of Electric
Power Systems Research and other scientific journals.
A self-motivated and independent
researcher with a unique combination of a detail-oriented mindset, driven
personality, analytical skills, collaboration, communication skills, and
proven ability to meet tight deadlines leading to the successful completion
of several research projects.