Research Interests
- Applied geophysics deployed in seismology
- Petroleum Geoscience
- Basin analysis
- Earth modelling
- Rock physicsground-penetration
Head, Department of Geology
Senior Lecturer
Geophysical survey holds the key to understanding the physical properties of the subsurface, and how they may evolve through time. I have earned advanced degrees in Applied Geophysics, coupled with years of practical experience. I earned three (3) Masters’ degrees in Applied Geophysics through the European IDEA League innovation from the TU Delft, ETH-Zürich and RWTH-Aachen University, as a Shell Scholar. As a PTDF Scholar, I earned Ph.D. in applied geophysics.
Using physical principles to collect and interpret subsurface conditions data for practical purposes, I deploy applied geophysics for exploration of oil and gas, geothermal energy, groundwater, mineral prospecting, engineering applications, archeological investigations, environmental studies and for solving real-time societal problems.
I have both teaching and research experience in core geosciences subjects in the academia as well as practical industrial/field experience in areas of Marine Geo(physics)sciences; Hydrology/Hydrogeology/Hydrogeophysics; Environmental Geology/geophysics, Petroleum Geosciences and Applied seismology.
Lead Researcher, research group code-named ''Innovative Research for Exploration, Production and Development, IREPaD'', Department of Geology, Federal University Lokoja, Nigeria; working independently and in team, I have attracted six (6) research grants so far.
On the industry standard scale, I deploy exploration geophysics tools for exploration of geo-resources, focusing on: 2D/3D acquisition-processing-interpretation to prospect generation, reservoir characterization, modelling and management; Sedimentary basin analysis; Geostatistics, Earth modelling and Rock physics; Microseismic data handling advanced seismic interpretation, subsurface mapping. Recently, I have developed interest in and have been working on implementation of machine learning algorithms for earth sciences-based applications. I have worked extensively, using data from the North Sea, Niger Delta Golf of Guinea, etc, and I believe in technical excellence, seeking innovative solutions to geoscientific problems.
A. E. Auduson and O. B. Ogunjimi (2021). Geothermal Ener gy Reservoir Characterization; Case Study of Bunter Reservoirs, Zuid Holland, Netherlands,. Petroleum Technology Development Journal,Vol.11.No.1:PP.19-34
Auduson A. E . And Ogunjimi O. B. (2020). Delineation of Geothermal Reservoir Spots using 3D seismic and Petrophysical Data Analysis; Calibrated on Dethfurth and V olpriehausen Formations,. Zuid Holland, Minna Journal of Geosciences, V ol. 4, No. 1: 93-105.
A. E. Auduson and Ogunjimi O. B. (2020). Geothermal Energy Reservoirs Mapping with 3D Seismic Volume:. An Example from a Southern Region, Netherlands, Petroleum Technology Development Journal, V ol. 10. No. 2: PP . 19-34.
A. E. Auduson (2020). Geologic Analysis and Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Data: An Example from the Anambra Basin,. South-Eastern Nigeria, Confluence Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (CJP AS), V ol. 3, No 1: pp. 107-120
Auduson AE, Onuoha KM (2020). Cretaceous Bida and Sokoto Basins of Nigeria: Deducing Basin Architecture and Basement Topography from Aeromagnetic Data Analyses.. Int. Journal of Earth Sci. Geophysics, V ol. 6, Issue 2,
Aar on E. Auduson and Olakunle B. O. (2020). Integrated Geothermal Energy Reservoir Mapping and Characterization; an Example from the Triassic Formations,. Southern Holland, SEG Houston International Exposition and 90th Annual Meeting, Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 3397-3401:
Auduson A. E (2019). Seismic Data Quality Assurance for Pore-fill Reservoir Characterization and Modelling; an Example from Buntsandstein Reservoirs, Southern North Sea Basin,. Minna Journal of Geosciences, V ol. 2, PP . 86-95.
Aar on E . Auduson (2018). Petro-elastic modelling and characterization of solid-filled reservoirs; Comparative analysis in a Triassic North Sea reservoir. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2018,
Aar on E. Auduson (2018). General Introduction, in Concise Applied Geophysics;. a Practical Approach, Delizon Publishers, First edition, 2018, pp: 1-9
Aar on E. Auduson (2018). Gravitational Methods, in Concise Applied Geophysics; a Practical Approach,. Delizon Publishers, First edition, 2018, pp: 10-24
Aar on E. Auduson (2018). Geomagnetics, in Concise Applied Geophysics; a Practical Approach,. Delizon Publishers, First edition, 2018, pp: 25-48
Aar on E. Auduson (2018). Geoelectricity , in Concise Applied Geophysics; a Practical Approach,. Delizon Publishers, First edition, 2018, pp: 49-96
Aaron E. Auduson (2018). Dif fusive Electromagnetic Methods, in Concise Applied Geophysics; a Practical Approach,. Delizon Publishers, First edition, 2018, pp: 97-136
Aaron E. Auduson (2018). Seismic Data Acquisition, in Concise Applied Geophysics; a Practical Approach. Delizon Publishers, First edition, 2018, pp: 137-198
Aaron E. Auduson (2018). Seismic Data Processing, in Concise Applied Geophysics; a Practical Approach,. Delizon Publishers, First edition, 2018, pp: 199-239
Aaron E. Auduson (2018). Seismic Data Interpretation, in Concise Applied Geophysics; a Practical Approach,. Delizon Publishers, First edition, 2018, pp: 240-302
Aaron E. Auduson (2018). Time-lapse Seismic: Acquisition and Processing, in Concise Applied Geophysics; a Practical Approach,. Delizon Publishers, First edition, 2018, pp: 303-343
Aar on E. Auduson (2018). Time-lapse Seismic: Interpretation, in Concise Applied Geophysics; a Practical Approach,. Delizon Publishers, First edition, 2018, pp: 344-384
Aaron E. Auduson (2018). Well Logging and Interpretation, in Concise Applied Geophysics; a Pratical Approach,. Delizon Publishers, First edition, 2018, pp: 385-432
Aaron E. Auduson (2018). Hydrogeophysics, in Concise Applied Geophysics; a Practical Approach,. Delizon Publishers, First edition, 2018, pp: 433-483
Aaron E. Auduson (2018). Concise Applied Geophysics: a Practical Approach.. Delizon Publishers, First edition, 2018.
Auduson Auduson and K. M. Onuoha (2017). Solid-filled Reservoirs: AVO Modelling and Characterization; Advances in Petroleum Geoscience Research in Nigeria,. Utopia Publishing, First Printing, July 2017: pp. 45-68.
K. M. Onuoha Aar on E. Auduson (2017). Petro-Elastic Modelling and Characterization of Solid-filled Petroleum Reservoirs, Advances in Petroleum Geoscience Research in Nigeria,. Utopia Publishing, First Printing, July 2017: pp. 69-104
Aaron E. Audouson and K. Mosto Onuoha (2016). Log Quality Assessment for Forward Seismic Modelling Calibrated on the Bunt sandstein Reservoirs, Southern North Sea, Offhore Netherlands.. Petroleum Technology Development Journal, V ol. 6. No. 2: PP .56-66.
Ayuba, R., F . A. Akpah, V . O. Omonona and A . E . Auduson (2015). Geoelectrical Investigation of Basement Complex Areas of Lokoja, North-Central Nigeria.. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology V ol. 7(6): PP . 573-584.
A. E. Auduson (2015). Seismo-Electrical Applications in Archaeological Prospection. Lägeren sites, Canton of Zurich, Switzerland. Journal of Mining and Geology V ol. 51 (2): PP . 201-208.
Onuoha, K. M. and Aar on E. Auduson (2014). AVO and Rock Physics Analysis in Forward Modelling Calibrated on the Triassic Volpriehausen Formation, Southern North Sea Basin.. NAPE Bulletin , V ol. 26 (2): PP . 75-88
Onuoha, K. M. and Aar on Enechojo Auduson (2014). GPR and Geomagnetic Applications in Archaeological Prospection,. at the Kl ӧ ten site, Canton of Zürich, Switzerland, Journal of Mining and Geology V ol. 50 (1): PP . 31-39.
Aaron E. Auduson (2013). Modelling the Effect of Solids in Hydrocarbon Reservoir Rocks Using the Mineral-mixing Alternative.. Petroleum Technology Development Journal, V ol. 3.1: PP . 32-45.
Aaron E. Auduson (2013). Integrated A VO and Rock-physical Analyses Calibrated on the Triassic Volpriehausen Formation, Southern North Sea.. Petroleum Technology Development Journal, V ol. 3. 2: PP . 1-16.
A. E. Auduson (2013). Forward Modelling of Poststack and Prestack Seismic Data of Fluid- and Solid-filled Buntsandstein Reservoirs. Conference Proceedings , 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013,. Jun 2013, London , cp-348-00546 .
Aaron E.. Auduson (2013). Application of the New Gassmann Theory in seismic Modelling of Selected Gas Reservoirs, offshore Netherlands.. SEG Houston 2013, Annual Meeting
Onuoha, K. M. and Auduson Aaron E. (2013). AVO and Rock Physics Analysis in Forward Modelling Calibrated on the Triassic Volpriehausen Formation,. Southern North Sea Basin, 31st NAPE Annual International Conference & Exhibition, Sub-theme 1, Page A45
Auduson, Aaron E. (2012). Testing the New Gassmann Solid-fluid Substitution on the Triassic Sandstone Reservoirs in the Southern North Sea Basin.. International Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology . V ol. 6, no. 2: PP . 1 13-127
Auduson, Aaron E., Arts Rob J. and Wever Andries . (2010). Simulation and V erification of Poststack Seismic Data of Fluid- and Solid-filled Reservoirs: Case study of Southern North Sea. AAPG-NAPE International Conference and Exhibition , 2010. A1, Control 920095.
Auduson, E. Aaron (2006). Depositional Environments and Hydrocarbon Generative Potential of the Maastrichtian Sediments Exposed at Ahoko,. Lower Middle Niger Basin Nigeria. NAPE Mini-Conference, ABU, 2006 A4-A5
2012 PTDF Scholar; Ph.D.
2008 Shell International/IDEA League Scholar , M.Sc
2002 Federal scholarship award, Federal ministry of education
2002 NAPE/PETROPROS A ward, under graduate
1 | T ectono-sedimentary Analysis Northern Anambra Basin Using Seismic Modelling, Interpretation and Characterization; Evolution, Deformation and Implications on Hydrocarbon Potential and Exploration de-risking | 2020 | Ongoing |
2 | Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis and Formation Evaluation: Case Study of Lokpanta oilshale, Anambra Basin, Nigeria | 2020 | Ongoing |
3 | Integrated Geospatial and Geo-electrical Modelling T echniques for Groundwater aquifer in Sedimentary Basin; Case Study of Northern Anambra Basin, Nigeria | 2020 | Ongoing |
4 | Application of Integrated Geoscientific Procedure in the Development of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) Using Marble Deposits from Central Nigeria | 2020 | Ongoing |
5 | Inverse Seismic Modelling; Spontaneous Prediction of reservoir properties in the Presence of different pore-fill Scenarios. | 2018 | Ongoing |
6 | Forward Seismic and rock physics modelling; Application in time-lapse (4D seismic) experimentation for detecting by-passed zone in oil and gas fields | 2018 | Ongoing |
7 | Delineation of Marble Deposits at Itobe and its environs using integrated geophysical Techniques | 2018 | Ongoing |
8 | Imminent Danger of Geo-hazard Due to Earthquake in Nigeria; Need for Ur gent Monitoring and Mitigation | 2017 | Ongoing |
9 | High Resolution Subsurface Modelling and Characterization of the Adankolo Campus, Using Integrated Electromagnetic and Geoelectrical Methods | 2017 | Ongoing |
10 | Determining the Straddling point between Anambra Basin and the Bida Basin- Inland Basin Configuration and geometry | 2016 | Completed |
11 | V olumetric Estimate of Coal Deposit in The Northern Anambra Basin of Nigeria Using Integrated Basin Exploration Approach | 2016 | Ongoing |
12 | Influence of Solid Pore Fills on Reservoir Characterization Studies Calibrated on the Triassic Volpriehausen Formation, Southern North Sea Basin | 2015 | Completed |
13 | The Ef fect of Porefill on Pre- and Post-Stack Seismic Data in a Dutch Buntsandstein Reservoir | 2010 | Completed |
- GOOGLE SCHOLAR:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=c-PbPMoAAAAJ&hl=en
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Department of Geology , Faculty of Science , Federal University Lokoja , Kogi State.
Email: [email protected]
Call: +2348067571761